Committee Meeting Summary – 11th July 2024

As usual, for more information, please contact the Secretary. A copy of the full draft Minutes of this Meeting is also available but you will need to log in to read it.  Present: Cathy and Martin Houghton, Chris Jackson, Peter Miller, Hilary Moorhouse, Bob Newton, Mat Peacock, Francis Stapleton, Tim…

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Committee Meeting Summary – 18th April 2024

The Meeting commenced at 7.30 PM. Present: Dave Fildes, Cathy and Martin Houghton, Chris Jackson, Peter Miller, Bob Newton, Mat Peacock, Francis Stapleton, Nick Talbot, Tim Williams. Also present for items (1) and (2) were Society Stall volunteers Ron and Lynn. Prior to the opening of the Meeting, it was…

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Committee Meeting Summary – 15th February 2024

The Meeting commenced at 7.30 PM. Present: Dave Fildes, Cathy and Martin Houghton, Chris Jackson, Peter Miller, Hilary Moorhouse, Bob Newton, Mat Peacock, Nick Talbot, Tim Williams. Following the death, at the very end of 2023, of our long-serving and much-missed Honorary Treasurer, Dave Scotson, our Chairman Tim Williams has…

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Committee Meeting Summary – 20th October 2023

The Meeting commenced at 7.30 PM. Present: Cathy and Martin Houghton, Chris Jackson, Peter Miller, Hilary Moorhouse, Bob Newton, Mat Peacock, Dave Scotson, Francis Stapleton, Tim Williams. Apologies for absence were received from Nick Talbot and Dave Fildes. The Trust has thanked us for our offer not to increase the…

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Committee Meeting Summary – 7th July 2023

The Meeting commenced at 7.30 PM. Present: Dave Fildes, Cathy and Martin Houghton, Chris Jackson, Peter Miller, Hilary Moorhouse, Mat Peacock, Dave Scotson, Francis Stapleton, Nick Talbot, Tim Williams. No apologies for absence were received. On 8th July, Brian Bennett resigned from his post as Vice-President, via email. The Trust pays…

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Committee Meeting Minutes 17th March 2023

Cymdeithas Rheilffordd Llyn Tegid Bala Lake Railway Society  Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at 7.30 on 17th March 2023, via Zoom   Present: Dave Fildes, Cathy and Martin Houghton, Chris Jackson, Peter Miller, Hilary Moorhouse, Bob Newton, Mat Peacock, Francis Stapleton, Nick Talbot, Tim Williams. 1) Apologies for absence…

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Committee Meeting Summary – 22nd April 2023

Cymdeithas Rheilffordd Llyn Tegid Bala Lake Railway Society Summary Report from the Committee Meeting held at 7.30 on 22nd April 2023. Present at this meeting were: Dave Fildes, Cathy and Martin Houghton, Chris Jackson, Peter Miller, Hilary Moorhouse, Bob Newton, Mat Peacock, Dave Scotson, Francis Stapleton, Tim Williams. Apologies were…

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Committee Meeting Summary – 17th March 2023

Cymdeithas Rheilffordd Llyn Tegid Bala Lake Railway Society Summary Report from the Committee Meeting held at 7.30 on 17th March 2023. Present were: Dave Fildes, Cathy and Martin Houghton, Chris Jackson, Peter Miller, Hilary Moorhouse, Bob Newton, Mat Peacock, Francis Stapleton, Nick Talbot, Tim Williams. Apologies were received from Dave…

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